Chaplain's Corner - March 30, 2006

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(1) To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. (2) A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pick up that which is planted. Ecclesiastes 3:1, 2

Greetings in the most blessed name of Jesus!

As I thought about this message with the start of the new racing season, along with this time of Easter I kept getting the question that almost everyone asks; “ When is it my turn?”

Well, our turn came on March 2, 2006 when we were blessed with the arrival of our new son Jared Adam Stapleton. He was born at 7:26am, weighed 7 pounds 12 ounces and 19 & ¾ inches long. We had been waiting for over 2 years for him to be with us.

Our turn came because we did things God’s way. During this season of Easter God gave us his very best when He sent his son Jesus to die on Calvary’s rugged cross so that we might have eternal life. During this season I have to ask you, have you given Jesus your very best?

For anything to grow a seed must be planted, Just as our scripture for this message has told us. A farmer, to reap a harvest, must first plant his seed into the rich earth. This seed then dies and the plant grows, matures, and is then harvested.

This also applies to our Christian lives as well. When I got saved, or when you got saved, someone somewhere had to tell you about Jesus. That was the seed being planted. As you were convicted by the Holy Spirit and gave your heart to Jesus, that was the seed dying and the new plant beginning to grow. Now during your new life, as you get closer to Jesus through prayer and study you mature. Then, when we are called home to be with Him in Heaven, is the harvest for Jesus.

This applies to our walk now. We have to give to Jesus for us to receive the blessings He has for us. So When is it your turn? That’s up to you. Have you given your best to Jesus? Have you done things His way? The bible tells us that we are to “study to show ourselves approved” 2 Timothy 2:15 Do you tithe? God blesses those who are cheerful givers. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying you can “buy” a miracle but once again you cannot expect to reap what you do not sow. But before this, one thing must happen and only you can make that choice. Have you given Jesus your heart? Have you given him your very best as He did when He gave his life for you?

All you have to do is ask Him to forgive you of your sins and to come into your life. He will bless you and you will have a home in heaven forever. You won’t ever have to face a devil’s hell where there is weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth. Torture forever. Is that what you want for eternity? I don’t. Sometime I’ll do a series on Hell and what it will be for those who don’t believe. My prayer is for you that you’ll give Jesus your very best, & that is your life just like He gave for you.

Jared only came to be with us because God granted us favor by doing things His way. We praise Him for this miracle in our lives. Jacob (our oldest son) has what he wanted most and prayed for the hardest which was a little brother or sister. So the answer to the question “When is it my turn?” is with another question. When do you want it to be your turn?

I can’t wait to see all of you again at the track as our new season starts. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to introduce you to Jared, and Jacob. But most of all, if you don’t know him I’d love to introduce you to Jesus!

I’d love to hear from you! I can be reached by e-mail at

RWJM is a faith based ministry and relies totally on your gracious donations to keep going. Would you consider donating to us? Your tax-deductible donations can be made securely at our website or just see me at the track & I can give you a donation envelope to mail in your donations.

Go with God for he will ALWAYS go with you!
May God bless each of you & I’ll see you at the races!
Rev. Carlos Stapleton
Anderson Speedway Chaplain