Chaplain's Corner - March 25, 2005

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Greetings in the matchless name of Jesus,

I first of all must apologize for not getting a message out sooner, but due to computer viruses and an extra heavy work schedule I was not able to get a message out. Now with all this fixed it is my sincerest hope to have a new message every week.

On behalf of the Anderson Speedway and the entire Racing with Jesus ministries we would like to extend our thoughts, prayers and sympathies to the Dietzen, Butler and Baker families. In looking at these losses, which our track family has suffered, I am reminded of Jesus’ death. No matter what pain, trial or trouble we face, we can trust that Jesus went through it before we did. As we look at the death and burial of Jesus we see what happens to us in our own lives, we feel loss, just as Jesus’ physical family felt when Jesus was crucified. We feel comfort from friends and family, just as Jesus’ physical family was comforted.

For those of us who know Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, there is a third facet to the loss and grief and that, my friends, is victory. For the Bible tells us in John, chapter 20, verses 11-18, Jesus arose in resurrection glory and in defeat of sin and the grave. As Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene he asked her, “Woman why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?” Mary thought that this was just the gardener, but when Jesus called her name she knew him. He had to come back to complete the victory, and in that victory it gave us the right to eternal life and to be called, The Children of God. We are given no promise of tomorrow; every moment we spend with family and friends is precious, because once gone, it can never be gotten back.

In this holy time of Easter I hope you will find a way to tell those you love just how much you love them. Jesus loved US so much that he willingly gave His life for us. It wasn’t the nails that held Him to the cross, because at any time Jesus could have called legions of angels to take him off that cross. He knew he had to stay and die to finish the race that was set before him, thus giving us the opportunity to gain life eternal.

If you don’t know Jesus as your Savior, I urge you to seek him out today. RWJM is a faith based ministry and is solely operated by your generous tax deductible donations, if you would like to contribute you may do so securely at our website, or see me at the track. E-mail reaches me at, feel free to contact me with any prayer request, questions or comments (good or bad), may God richly bless you and yours. I look forward to see you at the races.

May God Bless each and every one of you!
Rev. Carlos